Living With A Sibling Who Has A Disability

Living With A Sibling Who Has A Disability

Nobody has a longer relationship with a family member with a disability than their sibling. Watch Parent to Parent's videos of siblings telling their stories and find out about some sibling support groups. 


Watch a 2-part video series - siblings tell their stories

In part 1 of these Parent to Parent videos, we meet kids, tweens and teens from around New Zealand growing up in this unique situation. We learn about the challenges and benefits that come from their experience of life.

In part 2 we learn how having a sibling with a disability can impact career choice, and how the sibling relationship changes when mum and dad start getting on in age.

Parent to Parent sibling support groups

SibShop (ages 8 to 18)  

An interactive day with games and activities interspersed with time for discussion and sharing. SibShops are a great way for siblings to learn new techniques, discuss issues and meet new friends. 

SibCamp (ages 8 to 18)

SibCamps are a chance for siblings to have a fun weekend away that is just for them and establish their own support networks by making friends with other siblings who they can relate to. 

Find out more at the Parent to Parent website.

This page last reviewed 03 July 2024.

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