By 6 months, your baby will be starting to run low on the stores of iron they were born with. So offering iron-rich foods is important.
Ngaahi Tefito‘i Fekau´
Ngaahi Tefito‘i Fekau´
‘I hono māhina 6 nai, ‘oku kamata ke fiema‘u ‘e ho‘o pēpee´ ‘a e ngaahi ivi vaitamini mo e ma‘u‘anga ivi kehe (tautautefito ki he iron mo e zinc) ‘a ia ‘oku ma‘u ‘i he me‘atokoni angamaheni.
‘Oku ‘oange ‘e he hu‘ahuhu´ (pe ko e hu‘akau pēpee´) ki ho‘o pēpee´ ‘a e ngaahi ivi fakame‘atokoni ‘oku´ ne fiema‘u´ ‘o a‘u hake ki hono māhina 6 nai.
‘I hono māhina 6 nai, ‘oku kamata ke fiema‘u ‘e ho‘o pēpee´ ‘a e ngaahi ivi vaitamini mo e ma‘u‘anga ivi kehe (tautautefito ki he iron mo e zinc) ‘a ia ‘oku ma‘u ‘i he me‘atokoni angamaheni.
‘I he ‘enau a‘u ki he māhina 6 nai, kuo ‘osi tupu mo matu‘otu‘a fe‘unga ‘a e fanga ki‘i pēpee´ ia ke nau kamata kai me‘akai.
‘Oku fu‘u kei mahu‘inga ‘aupito pē ‘a e hu‘ahuhu´ (pe hu‘akau pēpee´) ki ho‘o
pēpee´. Kei ‘oatu pē ‘a e hu‘ahuhu´ (pe hu‘akau pēpee´) ki ho‘o pēpee´ kimu‘a ‘i he me‘akai´ kae‘oua kuo māhina 8-9. Hili ia´ pea´ ke toki kamata‘aki leva ‘a e me‘akai angamaheni´ kae toki faka‘osi ki he hu‘ahuhu´ pe hu‘akau pēpee´.
Talanoa mo ho‘o neesi Palaniketi´ (Well Child nurse) felāve‘i mo hono kamata‘i ‘o e kai me‘akai´.
This page last reviewed 05 December 2023.
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