Principle 3: Family-centred Care

Principle 3: Family-centred Care

Tamariki (children) are part of a whānau (family) and are dependent on parents or primary caregivers for physical and emotional care and support. Whānau are a critical part of support and care for tamariki.



The following is one of a group of principles which recognise the particular needs of tamariki and rangatahi receiving health and disability support services. The principles describe what should be provided when your child or young person receives those services.

The principles are based on expert opinion and a considerable body of literature in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas and they have been developed after wide consultation.

See a listing of 14 principles guiding provision of health and disability services

Family-centred care

Principle: Tamariki (children) are part of a whānau (family) and are dependent on parents or primary caregivers for physical and emotional care and support. Whānau are a critical part of support and care for tamariki.

Healthcare and disability support of tamariki and rangatahi (young people) must be family-centred; that is, responsive to whānau needs.

In a family-centred approach, healthcare must be planned with the whānau, respecting each family's cultural background and particular strengths and needs.

What family-centered care is

Family-centred care is evident when parents are encouraged and supported to stay with their child when they are receiving healthcare services and to accompany and support their child during procedures (for example, in the anaesthetic room and in recovery).

Family-centred care is when whānau receive the information and support they need and request throughout the course of their child's or young person's treatment. 

Each family's beliefs, traditions, and ways of coping are respected.

Whānau are invited to share their knowledge of their child or young person and suggestions for their care, to ask the questions they want and need to ask and to help identify the goals for their child or young person's care.

Whānau participate actively in all of their child's care and become full members of the care teams

Whānau are supported to allow increasing confidentiality between their child and the child or young person's health professionals as the child matures.

You may ask

Questions you can ask when your child or young person is receiving health and disability support services.


  • is your whānau included in all healthcare planning regarding your child?
  • is there written information to explain services and to explain your child or young person's condition or disability?
  • is information available to you as often as needed, in a variety of formats; for example, written, verbal, audio and/or visual?
  • is information appropriate to your family's culture?
  • is information appropriate for your child or young person's age?
  • how can you access your child’s notes?

Support services 

  • what provision is made for siblings?
  • what support services are available to your whānau and what is their role; for example, social worker, community worker, child/patient advocate?
  • what practical support is available free of charge for your whānau; for example, meals for a live-in parent in hospital, or residential healthcare setting? 
  • what information is available about financial support for your whānau?

See the KidsHealth page on financial help when your child has a disability or chronic condition for more information.

Whānau preferences

  • does your whānau feel that your preferences in relation to things such as grief, parenting style and choices about healthcare are being accepted and supported?


  • are there programmes provided for tamariki, rangatahi and their siblings to help them understand the treatment, illness or disability?
  • are older tamariki and rangatahi given dedicated time to discuss sensitive matters with health professionals?
  • is there bedside accommodation for parents or primary caregivers of tamariki in hospital?

This page last reviewed 01 October 2024.

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